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Cubicle of the Mindless

Blog.... started as an idea, to update & inform friends of my life. Had wanted 2lessen any kinda alienation, & 2save me the trouble of reiterating daily details. Now I do crap here, occasionally some personal thoughts & reflections. Don't worry, ur secrets are still safe with me. 8^)

Friday, December 03, 2004

wat a difference

My 1st entry since I got back home. Guess 9mths in Perth has made certain aspects of Singapore very strange & uncomfy for me.

1. Huge crowds.
Buses, trains, malls, streets, all are at least 60% filled, 90% of the day.

2. Countless flyers.
Pamphlet & flyer distributors all over. They're all strategically placed all over the streets. From the 1 end to the other, & at the entrances & exits of malls & train stations.

3. Background hokkien grumblings
Definitely something I seldom hear in Perth. Lotsa bengs/lians uttering incomplete hokkien, peppered with chinese & english phrases.

4. Profusive perspiration.
Sighs... stil same as before, I sweat like a pig... Hate to perspire when I'm going out. Yucks.

5. Service w/o a smile.
Kinda more sensitive to it now, even tho it must have been like that ever since who knows when. Service people here never like to smile. Its as if you're the cause of their never-ending gloomy life. The only smiles you get will prob be those at the door, but once you're in the shop, its different.

Guess most places get many customers, they do really care if you find their attitude bad. They'll still get business anyway. Perth's kinda better. They'll be nice to you, helpful & seemingly sincere, even if you dun buy anything. Cultural differences.


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