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Cubicle of the Mindless

Blog.... started as an idea, to update & inform friends of my life. Had wanted 2lessen any kinda alienation, & 2save me the trouble of reiterating daily details. Now I do crap here, occasionally some personal thoughts & reflections. Don't worry, ur secrets are still safe with me. 8^)

Saturday, October 02, 2004


Varied responses to my last entry. Most of it being compliments. Guess every1 misses the old Adrian who'd share his tots ar? hehe. Anyway, had some pple not agreein with what I wrote.
I don't think my views are absolute truth, but I do wanna clarify some things I've said. I'm not holding an extreme viewpoint here, because there's juz too much grey areas in life.. erm... my life at least....

Altho the title of the previous entry was 'Silence', I wasnt trying to put down the extroverts. Don't be mistaken, coz all I did was write the tots I had from a particular incident, & what I had learned about myself.

I'm not saying that the outspoken are all superficial, insincere & scheming liars. I wasnt implying that all quiet & shy people were great listeners. The traits that I mentioned in my last entry were merely drawn from a personal experience.

I'm not condoning introverts, & unfriendliness. An extreme introvert juz deprives himself of friends. He'll never see things from other pple's point of view, coz he only wants 2 live in his own world & comfort zone.

The outspoken and confident express themselves clearly & articulately. If you noticed, when dealing with the slightly more reserved, such confidence would be make the other party feel uncomfortable. One of the innumerable reasons being the fact that it could be overbearing. Wouldnt this make it less likely for him/her to open up? Conversely, such confidence could also attract the like-minded, rite?

I have absolutely nothing against people who are more outgoing & outspoken than me. I can't expect every1 2b the same can I? I was merely pointing out the fact that the source of an outgoing personality can be so twisted. How it can used as a tool to not only hide one's insecurities, but also to hoodwink others with flattery.

The point is, who ever you are, whatever your personality, juz be yourself. There's no point in trying 2b some1 you are not. Some girs like quiet & shy boys, & some boys like quiet & shy girs rite?? haha~~~ so dun fret~~~

Alright, seriously, just be who you are. Whatever personality you portray, do it for the right reasons. If you're not outgoing & friendly, dont dismay, coz its just the same. You have strengths in other areas.

PS: I dun practice all that I preach... its not easy ok!


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