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Cubicle of the Mindless

Blog.... started as an idea, to update & inform friends of my life. Had wanted 2lessen any kinda alienation, & 2save me the trouble of reiterating daily details. Now I do crap here, occasionally some personal thoughts & reflections. Don't worry, ur secrets are still safe with me. 8^)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Wo Hui Lai Le! ( Me Come Back Already)


Haha, to all those who actually bothered to drop by once in awhile, THANKS! Been eons since I last blogged, and I've got no explanation for it.

Maybe I was just busy trying to have a life and doing my internship?? Or I could have jsut been plain lazy. Haha, whichever the case, I'm back now. And I'll try to keep it that way.

Haven't got anything to blog about it, but I found a draft in my blogger. I have no idea what it was about, or what made me write it.... but anw, go figure~~~

Perhaps this has been an issue for a long time. Something that was never brought up. You know how you'd just get by in life, trying to ignore things that you know are invitable.

Silly? I would say so.
Immature? Maybe. Fear? Probably.

Haven't you come to a point in time where you felt that things were so much better the way they were before? I would assume that it has happened umpteen times. Before things went bad. Before NOW.

The present can be such a pain, especially when you feel that you could have done something to change it. And when you look back, you actually find that there are countless things you could have not done.

Shut your mouth, and perhaps your friends wouldn't have been hurt by
your insensitive remarks. Be nicer to your ex, and maybe the relationship would
have lasted. Or even just being there for someone, instead of going about your
own business.

After your mind has been saturated with those thoughts, you decide not to think about it anymore. You stand up to yourself, and say that what's done is done. It's all in the past, & you gotta move on.

Yet, it doesn't help much for some people. Having lost something, or done something
wrong, things are no longer the same. Without it, everything doesn't seem so
beautiful anymore. Life's completely different even tho you're truely

And as usual, they try to move on again. Yet, each step they
take, they look back. That step forward seems so daunting. They had something
really precious before, and now without it, life feels so empty.

sighs.... It's so easy to look back, and want things to be the way they were.
But they can never be.
