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Cubicle of the Mindless

Blog.... started as an idea, to update & inform friends of my life. Had wanted 2lessen any kinda alienation, & 2save me the trouble of reiterating daily details. Now I do crap here, occasionally some personal thoughts & reflections. Don't worry, ur secrets are still safe with me. 8^)

Monday, May 30, 2005


Some have a passion for food,
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but others only love desserts.
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She loves reading books,
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while he can't live w/o adventure.
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I might be passionate about pop music,
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while you're just comfortable with classical.
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He is a clubber at heart,
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she is just a simple homemaker.
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You enjoy the beauty of mother nature,
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but they just care for shopping at the mall.
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Whatever your passion is,

however different or strange it seems,

as long as you're happy,

thats all that matters.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


it's juz a cartoon myth
you could only dream to live

warp into Tv land
& life is juz right

iF there waS a reset button
i'll be there to press it

coz here is juz fantastic
i cant live up to it

nothing's ever enough
I'm juz an oddball,

not knowing the world
living it out weird

cant even roll
like a ball would...


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Chidley fotos

Chimes looks so cool~~~ Wonder Whats he thinking about..????

hahaha, great picture of Peter.

lalala, Jo n Je suggested hanging pple's sandals while they took a walk at the beach.
This is Deb's.

Chidley Point, nice view hor?

Look alike of KENNY, Marvin the Martian or Robbie Williams(in one of his ablum covers)???

The 'improper' group foto~~~

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Time's just buzzing by
Everything's a blur, I just dunno why

How I'm so disorganised & unmotivated
feeling worthless & paralysed...

Yawnz... Sighs... Huh...
Orh... Eh... Ah... Whatever...

Those are the only words I'd utter

What more can I do or say??
I sure hope tomorrow would be a better day.....