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Cubicle of the Mindless

Blog.... started as an idea, to update & inform friends of my life. Had wanted 2lessen any kinda alienation, & 2save me the trouble of reiterating daily details. Now I do crap here, occasionally some personal thoughts & reflections. Don't worry, ur secrets are still safe with me. 8^)

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Big or small... Grand or insignificant..... doesnt matter

Some doubts in my head have been been largely cleared up, and sorted. This was after going to Care Grp on Wed nite. supposed to be a christian support group(cell if u will) formed by a bulk of currie hallers, and has grown to be rather big.

In case some of you have been outta touch with my life, I've said and explained b4 that I'm kinda on a spiritual exploration this sem.... Juz time for a stubborn aetheist to be a little more open, and find out more~~~

I'm not gonna be "preachy" or give all sorts of holy-moly stuff here, but things said here really make sense in both spiritual and secular ways. Note that everything said here is mostly my own personal opinion, tried my best to filter out any kinda religious elements or tone. Anw, the topic was on Service, how we should serve God. The form/scale of service doesnt matter, coz it is the heart/tot that counts.... In short, a person who serves by helping out with traffic marshalling does as much as one serving in the music team. You do wat u can, and wat is within your ability... Every1 has his/her own unique characer and also ability and talent. If you lack something that some1 has, then perhaps you have something that you could do better than that person. It only takes some time and patience to find it. By doing wat you do best, even if it is something that seems insignificant on the surface, it could open doors to greater things as well. Even if it doesnt, it sure beats sulking and doing nothing rite?

Very often we tend to compare ourselves with others, using our peers as a yardstick of success and achievements. I'm sure tots like "He's such a good talented musician, why cant I be like dat?" or "She's such an outgoing person, always making frnds so easily. Why cant I be more like her?" have taken root in our minds more than once. For some, such comparison serves as a form of self evaluation, and a push to change for the better. Yet, for others, its can be a self-esteem self-worth killer. It clouds up wats real & we tend to overlook our own capabilities. While he/she maybe a very sociable and chatty person, you are more of a listener whom frnds would turn to in time of need.

I'd like to say more... but really lazy now... basically, in secular terms, every1's fine being who they are, so comparison would only do bad.... religously... well, I'm not really in the position to comment, coz I'm not that spiritually devoted, but lets juz say that "HE" supposedly only cares about whether u wanna do it, and not what you do.