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Cubicle of the Mindless

Blog.... started as an idea, to update & inform friends of my life. Had wanted 2lessen any kinda alienation, & 2save me the trouble of reiterating daily details. Now I do crap here, occasionally some personal thoughts & reflections. Don't worry, ur secrets are still safe with me. 8^)

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Bulldog face??

As if living off cereal and bread wasn't enough, things had to end up like that. The expected swelling occurred on Tues, and started off on the right only.
Its all because of this.....

So one side of my face puffed up, while the other side wasn't that obvious.... Look like a cock can! urgh.... The swelling was near the jaw line, so it basically change the shape of my face.... oh man..

And in such a state, I actually went down to Clementi to get textbooks with Sernwei & David. Guess Sernwei's description was rather apt, "hey, u sucking on eggs in ur mouth ar"?? sighs....

By the afternoon, the left side managed to catch up, & was just as swollen as its right counterpart.... Haha, if I had a vid-cam, could do some quik-motion editing, & we all might see this animated swelling of the right side.. then the left~~~

Sernwei was saying "haha, you suck on the egg whole day, dun wanna swallow ar? Happy to keep it in your mouth?"

Oh man... Would be "spectacle" if you all saw a foto of me... but it wasn't a very enthuiastic thought to me, besides, I got no digi-cam...

Lets hope it'll subside by Fri~~~

Note to self:
-Getting less self-conscious, managed to walk around w/o giving much tot possible weird looks from pple.
-Cuttin down on the painkiller, not too good to rely too much on it. And getting quite used to the pain.


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